North Palm Hotel and Garden

Company Overview

At North Palm Hotel and Garden, we keep our stand on environmental care firm. Our mesmerizing garden reminds us of how beautiful nature really is; and we are doing our best to retain its countenance. We are an Eco-friendly home. We have developed a sophisticated system that lets us make use of natural rain water for toilet water use. We also have solar panels for alternate usage with the energy provided by the local electricity company. Our hotel’s hallways are graced with natural ventilation and we have kept plastic use to the very minimum. Stay with us to empower this advocacy.Superior among many Davao hotels and stay-ins, we remind you of the value that you get when you stay with us. There´s hotel for when you´re tired of the day´s drill, and the garden for when you´re ready to seize the day with a boost of positive energy. Begin every day at North Palm Hotel and Garden. Please feel free to leaf through our website.

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